How can you optimize your student retention efforts?
The early-alert RNL Retention Management System (RMS) is a comprehensive suite of student success surveys and analytics that help you identify which individual undergraduates are most at risk, gauge students’ receptivity to assistance in key areas, and immediately connect at-risk students to relevant campus resources.
The resulting reports from these motivational assessments give you actionable summary data for the entire class, for specific subpopulations, and for each individual student to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness of your student interventions.
Assessments and Analytics
- College Student Inventory™ for entering students
- Mid-Year Student Assessment™ for students after the first term
- Second-Year Student Assessment™ for returning sophomores
- Student Retention Predictor™ for advanced retention analytics
Utilize the RMS to:
- Identify which students are at risk and receptive to assistance.
- Intervene with students earlier, when the chance for success is greater.
- Create a systematic structure for assessment and intervention at the most critical points during a student’s college career.
- Make retention strategies more effective and efficient by basing them on reliable student data.
Access and analyze data through the online Retention Data Center
The RMS comes with a secure, password-protected website where you manage and act on your student data: The Retention Data Center.
This powerful-yet-intuitive portal provides increased flexibility for using reports and data from the RMS, including multiple student grouping and filtering capabilities. It has varying levels of secure access, so that everyone from administrators to advisors can use it without compromising privacy. You can also add campus-specific supplemental questions to your assessment, and you can add your school logo to the assessment.
Why do colleges and universities trust the Retention Management System?
first- and second-year students have taken an RMS survey
colleges and universities have administered the surveys
of experience pioneering early alert student assessments
How you benefit from the Retention Management System
Easily identify your at-risk students
Intervene with your most at-risk students earlier, when the chance for success is greater. With the RMS, you can identify student risk factors and receptivity to assistance at key transitional points. This helps you prioritize interventions and secure retention results through focused outreach to your students.
Access assessment data in real time, allowing ample opportunity for early interventions
As soon as students complete the surveys, the RMS delivers a wealth of information about your students at the most critical junctures in their careers: before their first term, as they transition to the second term, and before and during their second year. This allows you to monitor students’ needs, as well as which key services they have used and still need to use, while jumpstarting interventions to keep students focused on educational completion.
Marshal your limited resources for student success more effectively
Identifying which students need the greatest assistance and are most receptive to assistance helps you focus your efforts and allocate campus resources more effectively.
Systematically personalize each intervention so it’s more meaningful and effective
Make interventions more targeted and individualized, while also showing students how they can take ownership for their success and make use of key campus services.
Increase accountability by using data to guide action and communication
With the RMS, you have the data you need to meet accountability demands for your accrediting body and grant proposal. You’ll be able to justify decisions, benchmark your success, and assess your student success initiatives.
Find help when you need it
At every stage of using the RMS, you can contact an experienced RNL consultant for guidance and assistance. You’re never left without the support you need to serve your students.
Free Walkthrough
See how the Retention Management System can strengthen your interventions and help more students persist.
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