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Prescriptive Analytics in Fundraising: Fuzzy Math and RNL Talk About the User Experience

Providing the best possible user experience for both donors and fundraisers, in your reporting, analytics and dashboards is crucial. RNL’s Peter Caron got on a call with Ben Ihnchak and Kelly Cunningham from Fuzzy Math, a leading UI/UX design company that we have worked with the improve and streamline our own products.


You might have the most compelling message and giving opportunity in the world, but if the way that people can take action on your web site, your crowdfunding or giving day portal, your app, or through your engagement center process is bad, you’re not going to see as much activity. User experience (UX) and constituent experience (CX) should be a priority. These experts break down some of the key ways you can maximize the fundraiser and donor experience. They also open a window into what we’re doing to improve your experience as fundraisers with RNL products while maintaining a world-class donor experience. There are some direct applications for prescriptive analytics with the experiences of your teams and all kinds of technology.

Find out more about RNL’s intelligently-designed donor engagement tools, like the Digital Engagement Center and RNL Digital Giving.