Conduct research to: 1) determine the ways MnSCU students finance postsecondary education and the impact that increased tuition would have on student debt load, and 2) learn why students choose a college or university and what influences their decisions.
Commissioned Ruffalo Noel Levitz to conduct qualitative and quantitative research, including quantitative telephone surveys, qualitative focus groups, and analyses of existing data and demographic data.
The System Office has used the research findings when advocating for legislative requests and has applied the findings to influence marketing efforts, to select the right media to utilize in marketing, and to assist with responding to the specific needs of its students.
“We were impressed with what [Ruffalo Noel Levitz] proposed and knew they had the capacity to accomplish the job well. Through this research we have been able to learn why students choose their particular college or university and how they go about making those decisions.”
Linda Kohl
Associate Vice Chancellor of Public Affairs