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Georgia College & State University

Georgia College & State University


To improve student success by studying the current status of students’ progressions toward retention and graduation, then formulating responses based on the findings.


The university collaborated with a Ruffalo Noel Levitz retention consultant to form a retention committee, conduct student satisfaction research, evaluate academic advising, and perform a predictive modeling study on the annual return rate of students. Based on the findings, the committee developed a campuswide retention plan that addressed barriers to re-enrollment and helped stop attrition through active interventions such as advisor training, increasing supplemental instruction, and increasing student support in “killer” courses.


Within one year, first-to-second-year retention increased. In addition, the retention plan helped the university’s retention committee stay several steps ahead of a systemwide initiative on retention.


“These initiatives are proving to be successful in a short period of time. We are beginning to change the culture here and are engaging in an ongoing campuswide discussion about retention. It really helped to have someone facilitate our efforts—it helped engage the entire campus.”

Dr. Paul Jones
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration

Case study used with the permission of Georgia College & State University.