Explore effective college student retention practices from a survey of nearly 300 four-year and two-year public institutions
Download our 34-page college student retention practices report to learn which practices, strategies, and actions campus officials rate as the most effective for student success. Inside you will find:
- The most widely used strategies for student retention and completion
- The top programs and strategies used to increase student success with specific populations
- The management practices for optimizing student success used by colleges and universities
- New technology institutions are using to increase student success
- Cohort graduation trends from 2017-2021
- Findings on retention planning, retention committees, and chief retention officers
- Complete listings of all poll results for four-year private, four-year public, and two-year public institutions.
The benchmarks in this college student retention practices report come from a 2021 survey of campus retention leaders at 296 institutions that collectively enroll 1,700,000 students.
Complete the form above to receive your free copy.