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2020 Cost of Recruiting an Undergraduate Student Report


2020 Cost of Recruiting an Undergraduate Student Report

Find key benchmarks for enrollment and budgeting for four-year private and public institutions

Cost of recruiting an undergraduate student in 2020

What does it cost to recruit an undergraduate student? How many front-line staff do campuses have for each new undergraduate? Where do campuses expect to focus their budget resources?

The 2020 Cost of Recruiting an Undergraduate Student Report provides findings from a survey of campus enrollment managers and admissions directors. Download this report to explore key metrics on recruitment and marketing, including:

  • Metrics for first-time-in-college undergraduates, transfer students, and international students.
  • Data on staffing levels related to recruitment.
  • Survey results on budget priorities and allocations.

This report has data from 66 private and public four-year institutions and provides useful insights on how much campuses spend on their recruitment efforts. Complete the form above to download your copy.